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Dewatering & Shoring

Cahit Trad. & Cont. Co. is an expert in choosing and implementing the right solution for dewatering. Dewatering is the process of removing groundwater from a job site using a dewatering system. When groundwater infiltration threatens safety and progress, we have the expertise to engineer and design a custom dewatering system to solve your groundwater problems.


Cahit minimizes your project risks by creating dry, stable conditions for excavations. Whether it’s rain accumulation or hydraulic groundwater intrusion, Cahit draws upon decades of experience with all types of dewatering services.


The company’s expertise includes shallow wells, vacuum wellpoint systems, deep wells, and sump dewatering. More than just technical solutions, Cahit provides complete, hands-off service. The correct dewatering system is designed, installed, and operated for the life of the project, allowing customers to forget about water problems and focus on what they do best.


Cahit has the capability to do any kind of temporary and permanently shoring to support a building, vessel, structure, or trench with shores (props) when in danger of collapse or during repairs or alterations. According to customer requirements and cost-effectiveness, we can offer various options of shoring such as sheet piling, consequence concrete pile, soldier wall (timber wall shoring), rock shoring, etc.

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