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Marine & Coastal Construction

Cahit Trad. & Cont. Co. is one of the leading and most competitive companies in marine and Coastal construction works, including design and execution.


We have huge expertise in the construction of Marine & Coastal Structures which are located near the coast or in the Sea and Ocean. Our major area of expertise at Marine & Coastal works as Onshore / Offshore are as below;


  • Sea Harbors (Fishery, Navy, Logistic, etc.)

  • Breakwater, Groyne, Lee

  • Coastal Protection

  • Wave Breaker

  • Rock Armour

  • Underlayer

  • Geotextile Protection

  • Dredging

  • Revetment

  • Beach Reclamation

  • Underwater excavation

  • Boat Ramp

  • Pontoon

  • Quay wall construction

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